Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for developer:

‘Droidheads’ on Google Play

‘Tim Denyer’ on Apple App Store

Version 1.8

Updated on 01.06.2024

What information do we collect?

We collect no personal information about you whatsoever.

None of our apps require any form of registration to use them.

Any information you enter into our app does not leave the app or device unless you choose to share it using a third party application.

Any use of your devices camera from within our app to take or select photos remains within your device unless you choose to share them using a third party application.

Any use of your devices microphone from within our app to make sound recordings remains within your device unless you choose to share them using a third party application.

None of our apps use face data from iOS devices, we also do not collect face data from iOS devices.

Your consent

By using this app, you consent to our privacy policy.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.

Contacting us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the email address below:

Android: [email protected]

iOS: [email protected]


Our free apps contain advertising. Advertising funds our services and enables us to make our apps available free of charge.

All advertisements in our apps are served by Google’s AdMob advertising network. AdMob may use and collect anonymous data about your interests to customise advertising in our app and in other sites and apps you use. To learn more about AdMob privacy policies and opt-out choices visit

List of advertising technology providers